Monday, October 26, 2009


Dilemma. indeed putting me in dilemma.
To move or not to move?
To drive or not to drive?
1) move - save time, save energy
2) drive - more convenient, save time.

Should i satisfy with what I have right now.
Still within Adelaide.. 40 minutes away from the city..
It's not too far away at all.
Hold it! Like how you asked him to hold it.
At least 40mins distance is much better than 1500km away!
Yvonne, stop thinking right now.
The future is near, it's so close.
One more month to go, few more months to wait.
The ending is there and the starting is near.
Jia you!!

Looking forward to meeting you and the new start.
Congrats on your good news and thanks for your reassurances!
Great job! Keep it up! ~@~

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